Events Update

The General Meeting was held on December 17th. Participants heard an update from the board members and then enjoyed a social event. You can review the slide deck from the meeting here and view photos of it here.

Screenshot by Marilyn Klein

We had a great turnout for our Star Party on October 22nd. Participants were blessed with warm weather and clear skies, and enjoyed a tour of the night sky. The Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan–ATLAS) was seen by most attendees, as well as telescopic views of Saturn, a star cluster, the Andromeda Galaxy and a few nebulas. Thanks to Dr. David Hoskin for leading the show!

Double Star Albireo – photo by David Hoskin
Dumbbell Nebula – photo by Stewart Cameron

The Blue Beach walk was a big success. 20 people turned out to join guide Peter Wallace on the tour of this world-famous fossil site. We had perfect weather to stroll the shoreline finding traces of ancient life. Participants walked on the floor of a forest that existed before the era of dinosaurs!

Look for more information and photos in the September Newsletter.

Be sure to check out other ADRP events planned in the next few months:

  • Controlled Damage: The Story of Civil Rights Icon Viola Desmond at Neptune
  • Josephine: A Musical Cabaret at Neptune Theatre

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