May 25 – 27, 2018 – Dalhousie University
ADRP is patently proud of the impact we made at the Conference of the Colleges and Universities Retirees Associations of Canada (CURAC). By all measures the Conference was a resounding success. This Special Issue is an overview of the events, both informative sessions and social gatherings. It was compiled with the contributions of many ADRP Board members and a new Co-Editor, Marilyn Klein.
The attainments and fellowship generated by the Conference are now embedded in our continuing legacy, including a surplus exceeding $9800 split evenly between CURAC and ADRP.
The order of this report follows the Conference Program with individual contributions mainly by ADRP Board members as noted throughout.
First, a brief reminder of CURAC and roles played by ADRP and SMURA.