Payroll Deduction

Pensioner members of ADRP pay their dues by monthly deduction of a mere $1.66 from their pension. That’s less than a single cup of coffee at your local barista, and no heartburn!

To do so simply download and print the form, fill it out, sign it, and return it to Payroll at the address indicated on the form.

This method of payment has two main advantages.

  1. When paying by this method there is no need to remember the annual renewal. Once set up the deduction will continue until you explicitly inform Payroll that you wish to discontinue it.
  2. The ADRP membership chair will no longer have to send reminder emails and letters to those members who forget.  That requires an annual reminder to quite a few. If your membership lapses you can lose touch with important issues affecting Dalhousie pensioners and retirees, by no longer receiving the ADRP newsletter. The small monthly deduction method ensures that a lapse will not occur.

Annual Cheque Payment

A handful of new and current pensioner members of ADRP pay their dues annually by cheque in the amount of $20.

To do so simply download and print the form, fill it out, sign it, and return to the address on the form.

Not sure? Click here to see our brochure on the benefits of membership