The ADRP is an organization of former Dalhousie faculty and staff. We are the only organization solely devoted to the interests of Dalhousie retirees.
Benefits of Membership

Advocacy – We actively lobby within Dalhousie and intervene to protect the interests of pensioners. ADRP has observer status on the Pension Advisory Committee which provides a voice in all proposals about Plan revisions, the ability to lobby employee and employer reps, and up to date information on the Plan’s status.
Socializing – Membership builds community with others who have experienced university work-life. Meet up with your colleagues at one of our many sponsored events: theatre, concerts, dining, hikes, birdwatching, bookbinding, pickle ball and more! The research is clear that social connections are important to our health and well-being as we age.

Assistance – We help members navigate the Dalhousie Extended Health Benefits and Travel Insurance plans for pensioners. ADRP has a major influence through its majority of seats on the Retirees Benefits Advisory Committee where we choose the benefits and set the rates for pensioners in the age 65-and-over plan. We are watch dogs on the Employee Benefits Advisory Committee which manages the EHB plan for early retirees. We also monitor changes to policies and operations and intervene to keep the needs of retirees on the Dalhousie radar, particularly regarding email and other digital resources.

Learning – We keep a list of upcoming seminars and presentations, both live and online, most of which are free. We support life-long learning to keep your mind sharp!
Stay in touch! We publish a newsletter for our members to keep them informed. Read reports from our committees, updates from the president and stories of what our members have been up to. Learn about their hobbies, travels, and interests.

Networking – We are members of CURAC, an organization of over 15,000 college and university retirees from across Canada. CURAC promotes sharing of information and activities—the annual conference is an example. We also work closely with other related groups such as the Seniors’ College Association of Nova Scotia and the Dalhousie Faculty Association.
Convinced? For $20/year ADRP has got your back. Click here for membership information or to join.