Meet Your Board Members

I retired in July 2021 as Professor, Faculty of Continuing Studies. Now I am Adjunct Professor with the Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences and I continue to serve on the Dalhousie Senate
Discipline Committee.
During my 31-year career at Dalhousie, I was involved in many exciting projects, including a leadership development program for young Nationals from Abu Dhabi, UAE; a Master of IT Education with ITI (an entity some of you may remember); and Refining Your Learning Skills for academically dismissed students. I loved my work but retirement life is even better!
While at Dalhousie, I was Faculty Associate with the Centre for Learning and Teaching, Chair of Faculty Council and served several terms on the Executive of the Dalhousie Faculty Association, including two terms as Treasurer.

Currently I’m Secretary for ADRP, board member for the Nova Scotia Bird Society (checkout Nova Scotia Bird Society on Facebook), responsible for recruiting and organizing speakers, board member for RTOERO and Halifax Field Naturalists. At left, a photo of an Eastern Towhee, a rare bird for Nova Scotia.
I also enjoy the doggie company of my friends’ dogs when they need a sitter, and I spend a
couple of days a week in the sunshine and fresh air looking for birds. Biking, hiking, baking,
Washington Post crosswords, SCANS courses, and keeping up with reading for two book clubs
are some of my interests. I’m planning a trip to Costa Rica or some other lush birding habitat in
the near future.

March 2023