Meet Your Board Members

I graduated from the Nova Scotia Technical College in Mechanical Engineering in 1960, having completed the Dalhousie 3 year diploma in engineering in 1958. Dr. Harold Theakston had been the Head of the Engineering Department and the University Engineer for decades and he died suddenly early in September in 1963. I received a telephone call about this from Dalhousie and a job offer if I would come immediately to take up ‘Theakys’ classes. I spoke to my wife and my employer and the result was that I immediately joined the Dalhousie Engineering Department and taught there until I retired early at age 60. I have been the Chairperson of the Dalhousie Department of Engineering and Assistant Dean for undergraduate studies at The Technical University of Nova Scotia. I have been the President of the Dalhousie Faculty Association and was one of the creators of the ADRP and an initial Board Member. I attend all ADRP events; they make my retirement much better. In addition to my service as treasurer, I will work with the Board to ensure that they continue, and perhaps even improve.

July 2024